Save the Bees
For Topic, we are doing ‘What Are We Doing To Our Planet?’ . For the first part of this, we learnt about Bees. We learnt that Bees are so important for us as humans so we need to look after them. We made a fact file, campaign poster and designed a bee friendly garden with lots of plants and shrubs. The bees are so important and give us so many important that we don’t realise.
Our year group decided to create a bee garden to help these bees. We went outside and started to create our bee garden to help save the bees. We prepared are garden de weeding it. Then we planted lots of colourful bee friendly flowers. Here we are preparing and planting in our bee friendly garden!
Acting In English
In English, we are doing poetry! We had a poem called 'Storm At Sea' and we added actions to the poem. We then set up Maple classroom for a poetry recital for the whole of year 5.
Learning The Recovery Position
In PSHE (Jigsaw Lessons), we covered emergency situations and how to act during them. We learnt what the recovery position is, the importance of it, and how to put people in it quickly and safely. We practised putting each other into the recovery position.
Sycamore Songs
In Music, we are composing songs on computers using software and looking at the structure of other people’s songs. We listened to songs, identifying the choruses and verses and added them into our own songs! Here are some of ours!
2018 - 2019
The Day The Crayons Quit!
In Literacy, we are exploring diary entries! We are writing diary entries for inanimate objects and writing about a day in the life of your object. We read the book ‘The Day The Crayons Quit’ to get an idea of the life of inanimate objects. These are the objects we used:
We created diary entries for these objects and we had to think about their feelings and thoughts. E.G/ The boot is sad because it’s in the rain. It was so intersting and fun to do!
In science, Sycamore class went out onto the playground and completed an activity to represent our solar system. We also did a demonstration of how the planets move and were asked to explain which planet had the most days in a year. From this activity, we learnt fascinating facts such as how Neptune has the biggest orbit from the sun because it’s the furthest. Miss Thurston, the teacher of this lesson, had amazing thoughts and explanations to show us how the planets orbit the sun differently.
Fun Fact:
Neptune has over 60,000 days in just 1 year!
Written by Ellis, Ebony and Kaitlyn (digital leaders)
At the start of our Jigsaw (PSHE) lessons, we begin with a mindfulness breathing activity.
We do this to calm us down after playtime, to relieve any stress or worries and to concentrate our minds.
Focused breathing is important to manage all of the above. As a class, we take it very seriously and all work hard to gain the most out of this session.
In RE, we completed a Worship Spinner, showing who or what we respect and show adoration and loyalty to.
We had to think about the following:
What is one thing that is more important to you than
anything/anyone else?
Show this one thing clearly on the top layer of the spinner.
Show how this one thing is displayed in your life in
different ways on the bottom layer.
Take a look below at what our class collective said they worshipped:
Can we walk like an Egyptian? Only time will tell. For now though, we enjoyed looking at some artefacts linking to the Egyptians and discussing the impact it had on their lives, why it may have been important to them and how it may have been used. In particular, we loved trying on the Egyptian clothing!
We made Canopic Jars in Topic as part of gaining key skills to become an Artist. We learnt to shape and sculpt clay, by using tooys and our fingers (messy)!
Take a look at some of the photos for the progress.
Everyone did an amazing job with their Egyptian homework this term. There was so much effort involved from the children (and I'm sure the parents - thank you!).
A special mention to Ewan who made us a gingerbread pyramid. It was yummy!
Thank you Ewan (and Mum).
In Literacy, we are looking at information texts. Our WAGOLL (What a Good One Looks Like) is an information text on Ancient Greece.
To include some drama into this lesson, Miss Thurston gave each group a story about a Greek god, goddess or villain. We had to act out the story and choose a freeze frame to show the message of the story. We think we did pretty well.
We needed to be able to carefully follow the steps of the instructions so that we didn't get confused. We used the numbered steps and the time connectives to help us read these in the correct order.
Some of us were far too keen to become dead pharaohs and be mummified in front of the whole class!
Pink Day!
Sycamore class made a real effort for this year's Pink Day!
Thank you to all that donated.