
Chase Lane Primary School and Nursery

Aspire. Strive. Achieve.

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Welcome to Ash Class! 

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In Literacy this term we have been looking at a journey story. In order to discover more about our class text journey story, we went on a journey ourselves! We followed some clues that led us from our classroom all the way down to the woods. When we got to the woods, we found some more clues to help us guess what our class text was; Little Red Riding Hood! We then heard the story together and worked together in our groups to create different freeze frames to show key parts of the story. 





In Science this term we have been looking at 'sound'. We have completed lots of different practical activities to help us understand how sound travels, what materials insulate sound the best (and therefore are the best material for ear defenders) and how we can experiment with volume and pitch. Below are some pictures of us in action, investigating different aspects of sound. 

Sound Travelling Through Vibrations
