Welcome to Chase Lane Nursery
Chase Lane Nursery has an intake of two classes of twenty-six children, run by a qualified teacher, with the support of up to 4 teaching assistants. Where places permit, children are admitted to the Nursery at the start of the term following the child’s 3rd birthday and will be offered a morning or afternoon place taking parental preference into consideration when possible. Each session is three hours long. We now also offer 30 hour places for those eligible. There are also supervised packed lunch sessions available at an additional cost.
Our Nursery follows the school's ethos of ‘Aspire – Strive - Achieve’. Even for the youngest of children in our school we encourage each child to be the best they can be and help them to achieve their full potential. First and foremost we take pride in ensuring that the children feel happy and safe, while providing them with a variety of learning opportunities in both our outdoor and indoor environment.
As well as having access to the school's facilities, we are fortunate enough to have a large area of our own. Our garden area has a mud kitchen and playhouse and a large sheltered area which allows outdoor play whatever the weather! Our indoor space allows for a wide range of learning opportunities including messy play, role play, reading and construction. In Nursery we follow a carefully planned timetable which gives our children access to a broad and exciting curriculum, as well as ensuring there is plenty of time for child-led play. During the week, the children take part in cooking sessions, Tiny Rugby, 'Welly Walks' down to the onsite wooded area and weekly sessions with our specialist teachers including Music, PE and Computing. At least once every half term we hold a 'Family Friday' session where we invite family members into Nursery to to see what we have been learning and join in with some activities.
Children's progress is closely monitored throughout their time in Nursery. We currently use Tapestry; an online journal to help record all the fun and learning during their Early Years education. Adults in Nursery complete weekly observations of children and these are then uploaded to Tapestry alongside photos and shared with parents. We also provide additional support where necessary including ‘Talk Boost’ sessions to support speech and language development and 'Attention Bucket' sessions which develop focus and concentration.
We like to think of our Nursery as a home from home – and safe and stimulating environment where children feel happy and safe. It’s often busy and a little bit messy but there's always smiles, laughter and lots of fun. We truly believe it is a place where children can flourish before they start primary school and we feel incredibly lucky to be a part of the children's early learning journey.