
Chase Lane Primary School and Nursery

Aspire. Strive. Achieve.

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Our Curriculum



Our school promotes perseverance, resilience and mutual respect. Working in partnership with families, we ensure that all children are given the best opportunities throughout their educational journey. Children at Chase Lane embrace challenge and make the best possible progress to enhance their life choices in an ever changing, diverse modern Britain.

January 2023

Chase Lane Curriculum Journey

Please click the image below to view our curriculum journey.


Our curriculum

At Chase Lane we offer an engaging curriculum for pupils, which promotes the following key life skills:

Collaboration, perseverance, resilience, communication, tolerance and aspiration.


These skills are developed through a wide range of topics across year groups. Each term, staff plan learning activities within this framework to ensure continuity and progression of knowledge and skills. Curriculum overviews and medium term topic plans can be found on our website.

Whilst we recognise and promote the key importance of the core subjects and developing pupils’ expertise in reading, writing and maths, our cross curricular approach, ensures pupils receive a broad and balanced curriculum.

Our school curriculum is closely linked to the writing genres children are learning in Literacy and high quality texts they are reading.

We recognise the importance of speech, language and communication. All lessons are planned to encourage children to talk, to articulate their thinking and to share their ideas.

We also recognise the need to broaden our cultural curriculum to provide our pupils with experiences and understanding of cultural diversity and inclusion.


Subject statements  

Our curriculum covers the following subjects:


English - Reading

At Chase Lane we value reading. Our aim is to develop children’s ability to read and understand a wide and diverse range of genres to encourage all pupils to enjoy reading. Each child has a home-school diary which they are encouraged to share with their parents and carers when they read at home. We teach children to read through a systematic and dynamic phonics programme called Read Write Inc. Children are supported to decode, build fluency, accuracy and prosody, leading to a comprehensive understanding of what they are reading.

The importance of reading is embedded across the school through the daily teaching of the Read Writ4e Inc programme and Talk for Reading, as well as through carefully selected texts used in Literacy and cross-curricular subjects. As a school, we strive to ensure that every child reads fluently and confidently and has a positive relationship with reading which continues far beyond their time spent with us at Chase Lane. 


English - Writing

We want to inspire the children’s love of Literacy by developing their skills to become thoughtful and creative writers. Our mission is to enable pupils to immerse themselves fully into a text. They will broaden their speech and language, widen their vocabulary and further their understanding of different text types. Through Talk for Writing, we want all children to be able to embrace literature in its many forms.


Talk for Writing is fundamentally based on the key principles of how children learn. Talk for Writing enables children to imitate the key language they need orally before they try reading, analysing and recording it.  It is a fun, creative yet also rigorous approach to develop writing skills.


English - Handwriting

At Chase Lane we use the Kinetic Letters approach to teach pupils the skill of handwriting so it becomes an automatic skill. There are four aspects which pupils need to matter to achieve this:

1. Finger strengthening and dexterity

2. How to form letters

3. How to hold the pencil

4. How to write fluently

Once pupils have mastered these 4 strands, they will be able to focus on the content of their written work rather than the mechanics of writing.


English - Developing Vocabulary

At Chase Lane we recognise that acquiring a rich and varied vocabulary is crucial to maximising the cultural capital of our pupils. Pupils who are articulate and language rich move on to have increased success in higher education and the work place.

We actively promote vocabulary development across the curriculum. Academic and literary words are taught in each year group through the Talk for Reading and Talk for Writing models. Each year group also has a carefully selected text which is read as a class reader. Subject specific vocabulary is taught in every year group in science and all non-core subjects and re-visited in Talk for Reading non-fiction sessions. We aim for all children, regardless of their starting point, leave Chase Lane with an appreciation and enthusiasm for Maths and the skills they will need for adult life.


English – Speaking and Listening

Speaking and listening is planned into all learning activities so that children can rehearse their ideas, articulate their thinking and share their learning with their teachers and peers. We recognise that developing fluent, expressive and confident speakers will enhance their life choices in an ever changing, diverse modern Britain.



We teach our pupils mathematics through daily problem solving. The Singapore Maths approach is focused on developing mathematical skills through carefully planned lesson sequences. There is considerable focus on number bonds, bar modelling (as a method to visually and pictorially represent a maths problem), reasoning, and problem solving.

Each lesson, pupils are introduced to an example problem. They then have to solve a similar problem, repeating the same steps with different numbers. Pupils are encouraged to represent their thinking using pictures, maths equipment or equations and symbols. By adopting a collaborative problem solving approach, children are encouraged to discuss, explain and explore their thinking with their peers. 



We aim to develop scientific knowledge through a range of biology, chemistry and physics topics.

Across all year groups, children take part in scientific investigations and develop their ability to work scientifically, through observing, collecting and recording data. Throughout the curriculum, all children acquire a body of knowledge and develop their scientific vocabulary.

The following science topics are taught:

  • Year 1- plants, animals including humans, everyday materials and seasonal changes
  • Year 2- living things and their habitats, plants, animals including humans and uses of everyday materials
  • Year 3- plants, animals including humans, rocks, light and forces and magnets
  • Year 4 - animals including humans, states of matter, sound and electricity
  • Year 5 - animals including humans, living things and their habitats, properties and changes of materials, Earth and space and forces
  • Year 6living things and their habitats, animals including humans, evolution and inheritance, light and electricity



In Geography we aim to inspire a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people. Geography should equip pupils with knowledge about diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments, together with a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes. As pupils progress through the curriculum their growing knowledge about the world should help them to deepen their understanding of the interaction between physical and human processes, and of the formation and use of landscapes and environments.

The focus of our geography teaching throughout the school will be on developing the following skills:

  • to investigate places, including geography skills and fieldwork
  • to investigate patterns between the physical features of places and the human activity within them
  • to communicate geographically



We aim to develop a knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. Our History curriculum will inspire pupils’ curiosity to know more about the past. Teaching should equip pupils to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments, and develop perspective and judgement. History helps pupils to understand the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change, the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups, as well as their own identity and the challenges of their time.


The focus of our history curriculum throughout the school will be on developing the following skills:

  • to use historical vocabulary to communicate information about the past
  • to build an overview of British and world history
  • to understand chronology
  • to investigate and interpret the past using evidence from a wide range of primary and secondary sources


Religious Education

We follow the Essex Agreed syllabus 2022. The content relates to all major world faiths and we explore secular as well as religious world views. We aim to provide the pupils with a broad range of experiences that will enable them to make thoughtful choices in social, moral, cultural and spiritual matters.



The art curriculum provides opportunities for pupils to produce creative work, explore their ideas and record experiences. They will become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art and craft techniques.  They will evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art and be introduced to the work of great artists, craft makers and designers, allowing them to understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms.

Teaching will be based upon the six skill areas: colour, pattern, texture, line, tone, shape and form.

The focus of our Art curriculum throughout the school will be on developing the following skills: drawing, painting, print making, textiles, sculpture, and collage.


Design Technology

In Design Technology we will prepare pupils for the developing world. We encourage pupils to become creative problem-solvers, both as individuals and as part of a team. They combine practical skills with an understanding of aesthetic, social and environmental issues. The pupils become discriminating and informed consumers and potential innovators. They develop a greater awareness and understanding of how everyday products are designed and made.

The focus of our DT teaching throughout the school will be on developing the following skills:

  • to master practical skills
  • to design, make, evaluate and improve
  • to take inspiration from design throughout history


Physical Education

Our Physical Education curriculum will:

  • increase the physical skill of each child, developing versatility, adaptability and the ability to cope with various tasks and situations.
  • encourage and develop controlled movements, spatial awareness and become independent by planning, performing, evaluating and improving performance.
  • help pupils to learn how to co-operate with each other and to work successfully as a member of a group.
  • provide opportunities for pupils to experience a variety of games equipment and develop handling skills such as throwing and catching.
  • encourage listening skills and appreciate the quality of movement and expression of basic emotions in context.
  • ensure safe practice at all times.
  • encourage healthy lifestyles by increasing awareness of the effects of exercise on the body in the short term and long term.


The focus of our PE teaching throughout the school will be on developing the following skills:

  1. Acquiring and developing skills
  2. Selecting and applying skills, tactics and compositional ideas
  3. Evaluating and improving performance
  4. Knowledge and understanding of fitness and health



Through the Jigsaw scheme, we aim to build pupils’ capacity for learning and to equip them for life.

Jigsaw brings together PSHE Education, emotional literacy, mindfulness, social skills and spiritual development. A variety of teaching strategies are used and we are mindful of each pupil’s preferred learning style.

Jigsaw consists of 6 themes (puzzles) which are: Being Me in My World, Celebrating Difference, Dreams and Goals, Healthy me, Relationships and Changing Me

All year groups focus on the same theme at the same time which generates a whole school focus for adults and pupils alike.



We are a Linguamarque Accredited school.  All children at Chase Lane learn French.  We currently hold a Silver Linguamarque and are working towards Gold.   Linguamarque is a nationally accredited benchmark tracking progress in skills, vocabulary acquisition, phonic awareness and grammatical and intercultural knowledge.

In teaching languages, we aim to foster a lifelong interest in language learning.  We introduce French in an active, fun and enjoyable way.  As outlined in the KS 2 Programme of Study for Foreign Languages, pupils learn both content and structure and how this is similar to or differs from other languages. To effectively monitor pupil progress, children follow the Primary Languages Network Scheme of Work and pupils are taught French vocabulary and grammar as well as the language learning skills (reading, writing, speaking and listening).

We adapt the PLN scheme of work to link, where possible, to the curriculum content being taught in other subject areas.



The use of information and communication technology is an integral part of the national curriculum and is a key skill for everyday life. At Chase Lane, we aim to enable our pupils to understand the world through logical thinking and creativity, including making links with other areas of our curriculum wherever possible. Our pupils will gain an understanding of computational systems of all kinds, whether or not they include computers and will use computational thinking to enhance their learning in all areas of the curriculum from EYFS to Year 6.

Computer Science is at the core of Computing, where pupils are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. Building on this knowledge and understanding, pupils are equipped to use Information Technology to create programs, systems and a range of content. Our computing curriculum also ensures that all pupils develop their Digital Literacy and become digitally literate. Pupils will be able to use, express themselves and develop their ideas through information and communication technology at a level suitable and as active participants in a forever changing digital world. These three core elements (Computer Science, Information Technology and Digital Literacy) underpin the subject and are reflected within the National Curriculum thus informing our Computing Curriculum.


The focus of our Computing teaching throughout the school will be on developing the following skills:

  • Programming
  • Computational Thinking
  • Creativity
  • Computer Networks
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Productivity
  • Online Safety


These key skills will be delivered through discrete teaching sessions taught by our specialist computing teacher and are accessed by all children from Nursery to Year 6. Chase Lane uses the ‘Switched On’ computing scheme as the core basis in the delivery of computing. However, the scheme is adapted and tweaked to meet the needs of all pupils and address technological advances. 



The focus of our Music teaching throughout the school will be on developing the following skills:

  • listening, appraising, performing and composing
  • co-operation with others in the shared experience of music making
  • developing an understanding of musical traditions and developments in a variety of cultures
  • to be motivated to enjoy and succeed in music


We aim to ensure that all pupils can perform, listen to, review and evaluate music across a range of historical periods, genres, styles and traditions, including the works of the great composers and musicians. We teach the pupils to learn to sing and to use their voices, to

create and compose music on their own and with others. They have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument, use technology appropriately and to progress to the next level of musical excellence. They understand and explore how music is created produced and communicated, including through the inter-related dimensions: pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, structure and appropriate musical notations.


Support in our Curriculum

The monitoring of pupil progress against curriculum milestones and expectations is a continuous process at our school. Assessments inform support and differentiation of the curriculum on a daily basis. When pupils are identified as not making expected progress, we pro-actively provide additional intervention designed to accelerate progress. Groups of pupils identified include disadvantaged pupils, EAL (English as an Additional Language), LAC (Looked After Children), pupils with significant emotional needs and pupils with SEND (Special Educational Needs or Disability).

If a pupil is identified as having SEND, in line with the SEN code of practice, our SENCO supports and liaises with key staff and parents at One Plan meetings. These are designed to personalise learning to meet the more specific needs of the pupil. Please see our website for further information in our SEND policy.

The importance of language for learning is evident across the whole school curriculum. Meeting the criteria of the gold standard in the Essex Language and Communication school’s award, shows our commitment to support all children with speech and language needs.


Enrichment in our curriculum

Educational visits

Every opportunity is taken to enrich the curriculum of each year group through trips out of the school. Every year group has one visit within the local area for Science or topic.


Visitors and the local community

The curriculum of each year group is enriched through regular visitors. A list of examples includes: Portal to the Past, Astrodome, Essex Fire Service, RNLI, Bikeability, food bank volunteers and church representatives.

We undertake a range of themed days and events throughout the year to support our curriculum and our chosen charities, including: Harwich local food bank, Pink Day which supports The Collingwood Centre, Comic Relief, and various charity events as they arise.


Sports/Harwich Sports Partnership

Within Harwich there is a well-established sports association that meets termly to organise and co-ordinate different sporting events. The events are held across the district, linking with local teams including Harwich and Parkeston FC, Little Oakley FC, Harwich and Dovercourt Rugby Club and Harwich Cricket Club. Chase Lane is a key member of the association running and hosting many of the local competitions including football leagues, girl’s football, hockey and the prestigious Fisherman’s Cup.


Roles and responsibilities in curriculum delivery and engagement

Teaching staff

Teachers are aware of the National Curriculum requirements and our curriculum procedures. The school invests in quality professional development for all staff in line with National changes and modification. As part of our performance management policy, all staff have job descriptions in which roles and responsibilities are clearly defined. Appraisal is undertaken for teaching and support staff in line with targets set within the pay review cycle.



Pupils are expected to embrace the whole school learning code to engage fully with all areas of the curriculum and develop the skills to be successful lifelong learners.



Parents are encouraged to be involved in curriculum development by maximising learning opportunities between home and school and taking part in focus days and celebration events.


Monitoring and evaluating

Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team

The Headteacher, Deputy Head and Phase Leaders will continuously monitor the effectiveness of the curriculum. Feedback from lesson observations, book scrutiny, discussions with pupils, parent surveys and pupil progress data will be considered. The Headteacher, Deputy Head teacher and Phase Leaders will also monitor and evaluate the curriculum in line with the approaches of the Harwich Education Partnership (HEP) such as through cluster group projects and peer to peer reviews.


Subject leaders

There is a subject leader for each curriculum subject. Each subject leader writes the action plan for their subject which forms part of the School Improvement Plan. Subject leaders will monitor and evaluate the planning and standards achieved by pupils. They will also evaluate the quality of teaching and learning in their subject through observations, learning walks, book scrutinies and pupil interviews. They will provide feedback to the Headteacher, staff and governors to celebrate strengths and identify areas of improvement.

